BloomFilter Class Reference

class pybloomfilter.BloomFilter(capacity: int, error_rate: float[, filename = None: string][, perm=0755][, hash_seeds = None: list])

Creates a new BloomFilter object with a given capacity and error_rate.

  • capacity (int) – the maximum number of elements this filter can contain while keeping the false positive rate under error_rate.

  • error_rate (float) – false positive probability that will hold given that capacity is not exceeded.

  • filename (str) – filename to use to create the new Bloom filter. If a filename is not provided, an in-memory Bloom filter will be created.

  • perm (int) – (not applicable for an in-memory Bloom filter) file access permission flags.

  • hash_seeds (list) – optionally specify hash seeds to use for the hashing algorithm. Each hash seed must not exceed 32 bits. The number of hash seeds will determine the number of hashes performed.

Note that we do not check capacity. This is important, because we want to be able to support logical OR and AND (see BloomFilter.union() and BloomFilter.intersection()). The capacity and error_rate then together serve as a contract – you add less than capacity items, and the Bloom filter will have an error rate less than error_rate.

Raises OSError if the supplied filename does not exist or if user lacks permission to access such file. Raises ValueError if the supplied error_rate is invalid, hash_seeds does not contain valid hash seeds, or if the file cannot be read.

Class Methods

classmethod[, mode="rw"])

Creates a BloomFilter object from an existing file.

  • filename (str) – existing filename

  • mode (str) – file access mode

Return type


classmethod BloomFilter.from_base64(filename, string[, perm=0755])

Unpacks the supplied base64 string (as returned by BloomFilter.to_base64()) into the supplied filename and return a BloomFilter object using that file.


>>> bf = BloomFilter.from_base64("/tmp/",
>>> "MIKE" in bf
  • filename (str) – new filename

  • perm (int) – file access permission flags

Return type


Instance Attributes

BloomFilter.capacity -> int

The maximum number of elements this filter can contain while keeping the false positive rate under BloomFilter.error_rate. Returns an integer.

BloomFilter.error_rate -> float

The acceptable probability of false positives. Returns a float.

BloomFilter.bit_array -> int

Bit vector representation of the Bloom filter contents. Returns an integer.

BloomFilter.hash_seeds -> list

Integer seeds used for the random hashing. Returns a list of integers.

BloomFilter.filename -> string

File name (compatible with file objects). Does not apply to an in-memory BloomFilter and will raise ValueError if accessed. Returns a string.

BloomFilter.num_bits -> int

Number of bits used in the filter as buckets. Returns an integer.

BloomFilter.num_hashes -> int

Number of hash functions used when computing. Returns an integer.

BloomFilter.read_only -> bool

Indicates if the opened BloomFilter is read-only. Always False for an in-memory BloomFilter. -> bytes

PENDING DEPRECATION: use BloomFilter.filename() instead.

File name (compatible with file objects). Does not apply to an in-memory BloomFilter and will raise ValueError if accessed. Returns an encoded string.

Instance Methods


Adds an item to the Bloom filter. Returns a boolean indicating whether this item was present in the Bloom filter prior to adding (see BloomFilter.__contains__()).


item – hashable object

Return type



Removes all elements from the Bloom filter at once.


Copies the current BloomFilter object to another object with a new filename.


filename (str) – new filename

Return type


BloomFilter.copy_template(filename[, perm=0755])

Creates a new BloomFilter object with the exact same parameters. Once this is performed, the two filters are comparable, so you can perform set operations using logical operators.


>>> apple = BloomFilter(100, 0.1, '/tmp/apple')
>>> apple.add('granny_smith')
>>> pear = apple.copy_template('/tmp/pear')
>>> pear.add('conference')
>>> pear |= apple
  • filename (str) – new filename

  • perm (int) – file access permission flags

Return type



Forces a sync() call on the underlying mmap file object. Use this if you are about to copy the file and you want to be sure you got everything correctly.


Serializes the BloomFilter instance. Returns a compressed, base64 encoded string. This string can later be unpacked into a BloomFilter using BloomFilter.from_base64().

This may also be used to compare filter contents, given that the same error_rate, capacity and hash_seeds were used when constructing such filters. For example:

>>> b64_repr = "eJwFwUsOgjAUAMADuZCgKBsXhQeIWKRaEuquFihGPoYqDzm9M1U6LmUdU8UwUcNshM2IRssAwWfgSxjHjO6ssssn6bLsYTesqrtj0/dgYSuqzZ1cwISL1YrcH9V9PQ3cdN/JuRqn6nkRynUtd8rpmkldMt7Kb5EfF5d/IEl1GP/8LUuEYHN0HR5ihXL/1u65WKKZQkFsDykPfhQCpEAGGqexd4MX+vgkJ0/LCHIRNXpL0rk8SXH4A2pERcg="
>>> hash_seeds = [3837895095, 3446164276, 218928576, 318812276, 2715048734, 4231234832, 2646234356, 1058991177, 1248068903, 1134013883, 3269341494, 3044656612, 3079736504]

>>> bf = BloomFilter.from_base64("/tmp/bf", b64_repr)

>>> bf_rec = BloomFilter(bf.capacity, bf.error_rate, "/tmp/bf_rec", hash_seeds=bf.hash_seeds.tolist())
>>> bf_rec.add("5f35c4edcdb5b970ac8939a3c7abb3347ed9c4e3e251cbc799bdaeba008ce7aa")
>>> bf_rec.add("f416d946d98166066611fb1a5e262c5f241d9bfdd8c885e062433b6f6b73799a")

>>> assert bf_rec.to_base64() == bf.to_base64()
Return type

base64 encoded string representing filter


Calls BloomFilter.add() on all items in the iterable.


Performs a set OR with another comparable filter. You can (only) construct comparable filters with BloomFilter.copy_template() above. In the above example, Bloom filter pear will have both “granny_smith” and “conference”.

The computation will occur in place. That is, calling:

>>> bf.union(bf2)

is a way of adding all the elements of bf2 to bf.

NB: Calling this function will render future calls to len() invalid.


other (BloomFilter) – filter to perform the union with

Return type



The same as BloomFilter.union() above except it uses a set AND instead of a set OR.

NB: Calling this function will render future calls to len() invalid.


other (BloomFilter) – filter to perform the intersection with

Return type



Closes the currently opened BloomFilter file descriptor. Following accesses to this instance will raise a ValueError.

Caution: this will delete an in-memory filter irrecoverably!

Magic Methods


Returns the number of distinct elements that have been added to the BloomFilter object, subject to the error given in BloomFilter.error_rate.


>>> bf = BloomFilter(100, 0.1, '/tmp/fruit.bloom')
>>> bf.add('apple')
>>> bf.add('apple')
>>> bf.add('orange')
>>> len(bf)

Raises IndeterminateCountError if a the Bloom filter was a result of a set operation. Example:

>>> bf2 = bf.copy_template('/tmp/new.bloom')
>>> bf2 |= bf
>>> len(bf2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
pybloomfilter.IndeterminateCountError: Length of BloomFilter object is unavailable after intersection or union called.

item – hashable object

Return type



Checks to see if item is contained in the filter, with an acceptable false positive rate of BloomFilter.error_rate (see above).


item – hashable object

Return type



See BloomFilter.union().


See BloomFilter.intersection().


class pybloomfilter.IndeterminateCountError(message)

The exception that is raised if len() is called on a BloomFilter object after |=, &=, BloomFilter.intersection(), or BloomFilter.union() is used.